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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Memory Walk For Alzheimers

The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk s held every year in hundreds of communities all over the USA. This awesome event has become one of the largest in the world to help raise funds for research ,care and support for all Alzheimer's patients and families. They are now in the process of recruiting Team Captains who will be organizing teams to help raise funds. Please sign up as early as you can to insure that you can build a team to help with the fund raising. Help make Memory Walk 2007 succeed.
Alzheimer's is such a devastating disease . I had to watch my grandmother suffering with Alzheimer's until her death. Not only is this disease hard for the patients but the families as well. Trying to help loved ones afflicted with Alzheimer's is sometimes just too much to handle and outside services are needed. My Mom tried all she could to let my grandmother stay with her but the care she needed was more then any of us could handle.The Alzheimer's had debilitated her mind so badly that a nursing home was the safest option for her.The Memory Walk For Alzheimer's needs you to sign up now to be a Team Captain so that your team can help others in this same situation.
The Memory Walk , a nation wide event can help so many others that are suffering ,get signed up today as a Team Captain. Since 1989, Memory Walk has raised more than $225 million. Let's make this walk a year to really remember.

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