Helping to Foil Hijackers on Clickbank
I hope everyone is well today. It's raining again here in Florida. I have just joined this new social networking place called bizpreneur ,its very fun and also you can learn tons of new info on affiliate marketing strategies. Not to mention all the newest ones. Here is the web address for that as well . But anyways lets get back to the point here. One of my new friends over there gave me a website that is for users on clickbank. I had no idea that there was "clickbank hijackers". They are people who actually steal your clickbank id name. (I was shocked also.) Now I was having some problems with one of my ads I have been running through clickbank, so naturally I decided to check into this and sure enough this website offers you free re-direction for your ids. They are helping you to shorten long web addresses into short ones so they are easy to use and some people don't like clicking on ads that they know someone else is making money off of them . They also keep track of all your clicks for you and using this will increase your click-through rate as well, just helping you out here!. So please for your own safety go check this out,I don't get a thing from this , just the satisfaction of helping others. So go enjoy life today and be happy. Teresa Young For more helpful hints or web addreses you can also visit my website.