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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dollar Space...yes ...NOT My Space !!!ey

Here is the hottest newest social networking site that pays you . At Dollar Space you can earn money several different ways . The first is by scrapping with your friends,writing blogs ,sending out bulletins ,uploading photos, and the second way is to have adsense ads or bidvertiser or adbrite ads on your profile cool is that ...I have already reached payout at Dollar Space so I can assure you they pay . Plus with your adsense earnings you know google will pay you so what do you have to lose ???? NOTHING at all silly ...get over to Dollar Space today and get started making new friends or inviting your "my space " friends too , all the while earning money to just plain have fun ... you get there please come and tell me you signed up ...would love to help you make even more money ...have fun and enjoy...

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